Tag Archives: susan k. perry

When Religion Probably Doesn’t Help

Question“A Rational Woman” is trying something a little different today for the blog. Here are two questions (that I made up to get us started).

Dear Rational Woman:

Q:  I read a study some time back that young people who are religious wear seat belts more often than the non-religious, smoke and drink less, eat better, and don’t commit as many crimes.  The conclusion of Read more

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13 Neat Things You May Not Know About Humanism

Humanist_earringsI’m going to share some humanist thoughts and resources I picked up at the 2013 American Humanist Association Conference that may be as new to you as they were to me.

First, though, in brief, what’s humanism? I don’t think I can summarize it better than this statement on the site of the AHA, which you’ll notice shares much in common with The Brights:


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A Radically Rational Approach to Marriage

handshakeMost of the world’s cultures advocate some form of the Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. You’d think treating your mate according to such a rule would be ideal.

Not necessarily. Not if it means you’d be giving what you want for yourself, not what the other person wants. I like to think in terms of an … Read more

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